
30-minute free consultation meeting: What to learn more or not sure if nutritional therapy is right for you? In this free meeting, you can get answers to any question you have and learn more about how I work so you can decide if working with me will benefit you.

Group Program

The Health Reset Program is a 4-week group virtual program where we go through a detox, digestion support, and look into better food choices so you still eat happily.

Week 1: is a general detox week. Don’t worry is NOT a green smoothie diet! We will clean up our bodies giving them what they really need.

Week 2: It’s all about digestion

Week 3: We go deep into macronutrient balancing

Week 4: We will learn how to upgrade our favorite foods without compromising taste, nutrition, and quality. 

In the end, you will feel in charge of your path to good health.

One-on-one personalized evaluation programs

The individual one-to-one programs all include questionnaires about your health concerns, medical/family history, current medications, detailed symptom information, and a food journal. Can join any time and there are several programs to choose from.

Pantry review, ingredients explanation and upgrades suggestions

You are on the right track but want to know more how to improve the quality of your food? Decide on better, healthier products, learn how to read nutrition labels and ask me if your favorite products are the best for you or not? We can meet virtually from anywhere or in person if you live in Houston, Texas to go through your pantry and find better choices.