
I am so glad you are here! My name is Monica Lugo. I am a biologist and in 2022 I graduated from the Nutritional Therapy Academy where I trained as a nutritional therapy practitioner. I decided to join the program to understand how nutrition impacts the physiology and metabolism of the human body so I will have the knowledge to guide myself and you in managing health and weight to achieve a better quality of life.

I spent years and years trying to lose and maintain a healthy weight ending up in frustration over and over again. With so much information out there, it was very difficult to know what was true or even right for me. It was very difficult to rely on the information so I decided to go to school and learn myself to help me, my loved ones and you. Thank you for being here and for taking your health seriously. I will be honored to work with you.

Is nutrition therapy right for you?

You have probably heard “We are what we eat”. Well, that is not only true but if you think about it, what we eat or don’t eat determines how each cell of our bodies performs. And beyond what we eat or don’t eat, the quality and amount of what we eat, the environment we live in and our body’s movement are not the same for each person. We are individuals, which means we are unique, and beautifully unique I should add. With a personalized approach, I can guide you with recommendations that are designed just for you depending on your needs, your goals, and your history. 

Nutrition therapy is not just a weight loss diet. My goal is to help you reach your best. If you deal with perimenopause, and menopause symptoms, digestive discomfort, inflammation, cardiovascular symptoms, thyroid problems, blood sugar regulation, general tiredness, lack of sleep, nutrition imbalances, and/or deficiencies, among other health problems, I can help.

Can't wait to work with you!

Can't wait to work with you!